What is IFS Informed EI?

Inner Dynamic Athletics uses the principles of Internal Family Systems (IFS)
to enhance Emotional Intelligence (EI).

It’s like putting two great concepts together, like peanut butter cups!  Do you remember the “you got chocolate in my peanut butter!” commercial?

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) has been defined as the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to recognize their impact and to guide one’s thinking and actions to productively solve problems and regulate behavior.

4 Branches of EI…
– Perceiving Emotion
– Facilitating Thought Using Emotion
– Understanding Emotions
– Managing Emotions

IFS Principles

The principles are that we all have parts, and they are all good, but sometimes they lead to actions that are counterproductive. We all have a True Self, it is in us, we are born with it, it cannot be destroyed, and it knows what we need.

True Self is characterized by the “8 C’s”
Compassion – Connectedness/Cohesion
Calm/Composed – Courage – Confidence
Clarity – Curiosity – Creativity

We want True Self to be the leader of our parts, the conductor of our inner orchestra, the captain of our inner team.  This is called “Self-leadership”.

How Branches of EI and IFS Connect

EI: Perceiving Emotion
IFS: recognizing a part is reacting, as opposed to Self

EI: Understanding Emotion
IFS: recognizing why a part is acting

EI: Facilitate Thought Using Emotions
IFS: enabling Self to lead

EI: Managing Emotion in self and others
IFS: Self-Leadership redirects dysfunctional behavior to a more productive and beneficial response.

What happens next?

Inner Dynamic Athletics coaches you on how to enhance and improve your Emotional Intelligence by providing the tools to gain awareness of your own and others emotions, what reactions stem from them, why you have them, and how to formulate productive responses. Learn about the characteristics of your True Self, the Parts of you that might be constraints to improvement and optimal performance, and how to release those constraints and transform counterproductive patterns and reactions into productive responses. Inner Dynamics Athletics helps improve emotional intelligence (EI) through IFS informed EI coaching.

The goal of Emotional Intelligence coaching is to enhance intrapersonal and interpersonal communication. This is an important skill in a sport and athletic context because research has determined that improving intrapersonal and interpersonal communication seems to be a key factor in improving team cohesion and enhanced athletic performance.